Link to Charms (click HERE) to check your student's account.

Charms is an online communication and organizational tool to help manage a complex band program.

Directors use Charms to manage individual student accounts (Fee and Form details). Payments are not accepted through Charms.

To set up a new account:

  1. Link to Charms (above)

  2. Select Parents/Students/Members tab

  3. Enter school code: volsband

  4. Enter password (first-time users enter Student ID #)

  5. Once you are logged in, from the Home page click on the Update Info icon. For new accounts, the following information MUST be filled in:

    • Student's email and cell phone number (for director's use only)

    • At least one parent's email and cell phone number (for director's use only)

  6. You will also need to create a new password. To do this, from the Home page click on the Change Password icon and enter the information requested.

To enter into an existing account:

  1. Link to Charms (above)

  2. Select Parents/Students/Members tab

  3. Enter school code: volsband

  4. Enter your password

If you have multiple band students:

  1. Set up each student's individual account following the instructions above

  2. Log in to one of your accounts

  3. From the Home page click on the Multiple Students icon

  4. Follow the instructions on the page to create a link between the accounts

  5. Once that is done, you can switch between accounts without having to log out and back in

  6. To switch accounts, from the Home page click on the Multiple Students icon on and choose the account that you wish to switch to

To check on Fees: once you are logged in click on the Finances icon.

To check on Forms: once you are logged in, click on the Forms Collected icon.