The Color Guard is a performing group that utilizes contemporary guard equipment (flags, rifles, sabers), modern dance, acting skills, and a variety of props.  Numerous performance opportunities include all LHS half-time shows, marching contests, parades, pep-rallies and Texas Color Guard Circuit competitions. The LEE Color Guard is open to all LHS students. Selection is by audition in the Spring and Members receive Fine Arts credit and Physical Education waiver.

The Legacy Guard is similar to the Color Guard in that it utilizes contemporary guard equipment (flags, rifles, sabers), modern dance, acting skills and a variety of props, but performances are set to recorded music, and shows are held in gymnasiums. The performances generally incorporate more physically demanding movements than Color Guard, challenging and building student performance skills.  Held during the months of January through March, Winter Guard students have the opportunity to compete in Winter Guard International regional and T.E.C.A. competitions. The Winter Guard program is directed by Rebecca Webb and Kyler Phauls.

"Childhood Memories"

Winter Guard